The mission of the Ignite Church of Atlanta (ICA) is to fulfill the Kingdom mandate of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 in the making of disciples of all nations. We embrace discipleship that promotes transformation in our spiritual, emotional, mental health, and relational health. We engage in a social gospel and social justice to advocate and support the communities we serve.
Ignite Church of Atlanta (ICA) was borne out of the Flame Ministries (romans12n2.org) founded by Pastors Mike and Val Gittens in 2010. On June 20, 2021 we held our 1st service at the Ignite Church of Atlanta - Riverdale at 10am. The goal of the Flame Ministries was to plant churches both domestically and internationally that address the "whole" person in God.
We at Ignite understand that the whole person is not just a spiritual being. We are relational, mental, and emotional beings. We believe Christianity is more than a religion. It is a relationship with Jesus Christ.
This vision has now included another church plant in the North Atlanta area in Sandy Springs. Ignite Church of Atlanta - Sandy Springs held our 1st Sunday service on March 6, 2022, at 9:30 am. We are One Church - Two Locations with a vibrant Virtual Campus.
Our DNA of the Ignite Churches is to be a Hybrid congregation that is not limited by the four walls of the church but to be an in-person and virtual body of believers advancing the kingdom for Christ and building relationships that transcend geographical, cultural, and ethnic boundaries.
We are non - denominational, fervent worshippers, word lovers, and spirit empowered!
It is time to Ignite and we cannot wait to meet you!
Michael Gittens
Val Gittens
Bishop Dr. Michael Gittens has been active in Christian service for over 30 years, beginning at the Pilgrim Cathedral in Brooklyn, NY, under the leadership of Archbishop Roy. E. Brown. God has nurtured within Michael a true passion for people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life. He has served, established, and revived ministries from various Theological, denominational, multi-generational, multi-cultural, and multi-ethnic backgrounds.
As founder of F.L.A.M.E. Ministries (romans12n2.org), he has preached the gospel from the U.S.A. to Nigeria, Rwanda, Ghana, and Israel. Through Flame, Dr. Mike has led groups of Missionary teams to Ghana and Nigeria. Dr. Mike has also conducted weekly Bible studies for new converts and believers in Pakistan. Flame has fed over 500 widows and pastors in need in Nigeria and worked with our ministry in Pakistan to feed, baptize, clothe, and hold evangelistic outreaches, with many coming to faith. Dr. Mike has trained hundreds of disciples through the Flame Bible Institute and led hundreds of incarcerated men and women to faith in Christ.
Many have been prepared for ministry and spiritual growth through the Flame Bible Institute and as Chancellor with our partners at the Tower of Praise Bible College in Lagos, Nigeria. Serving at the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Floyd H. Flake and Pastor Elaine Flake as an associate minister and itinerant elder, Michael has led and served in various ministries and capacities, such as:
Discipleship | Seniors | Singles | Prison | Marriage | Men
He has served as the Senior Pastor of The Shiloh Baptist Church of Jamaica. As Pastor, he birthed many ministries, including outreaches and the call to discipleship. He has forged relationships with religious and city leaders to show God's love by serving the church and community's different needs, with the church being a source of light during the dark days of Covid 19. Dr. Mike ordained the 1st woman associate Pastor in the church's 150-year history.
He also served as Pastor of the English-speaking congregation at the New People's Church of New York. NPC is a growing multi-ethnic congregation once comprised mainly of 2nd-generation Korean Americans in Flushing, New York. During his service at NPC, the NPC family grew in faith and vitality.
Michael is the co-founder and lead Pastor of Ignite Church of Atlanta, which was birthed through Flame Ministries. Ignite is a kingdom-minded, discipleship-oriented, and community-focused church. Dr. Mike established a short-term mission through Ignite in the Sandy Springs area of Georgia, The Ignite Church of Sandy Springs. Ignite also has a fellowship of faithful members and believers in New York and Florida. He is a member of the Henry County NAACP.
Through Flame, the Flame International Fellowship, made up of lay and clergy leaders, was established to build kingdom-minded Ministries and train leaders cross-continentally, from the U.S.A. to Africa.
Dr. Mike has authored the book State of Emergency: A Clarion Call for Transformational Discipleship to address the need to evangelize and make disciples. In addition, he has developed the Flame Curriculum, which consists of five modules to foster discipleship that addresses the totality of who we are in God and what we are called to do.
Michael attended the New York School of the Bible, New York Divinity School, and Bethel Seminary of the East, where he graduated with an M.Div and a certificate of Theological Studies. Michael also has a D.Min from the New York Theological Seminary focusing on Christian Discipleship.
He believes that for us to grow in faith and walk in the liberty and power that Christ has given to each believer, we must be steadfast in our Christ identity, grounded in God's Word, saturated in prayer, filled with His Spirit, walk in holiness, and be endowed with His power. This is manifested in our living, our purpose, and our gifts. May the name of the Lord be praised!
Michael has been married to his wife and ministry partner, Pastor Val, for 26 years. They have one daughter, Tanaya, and a granddaughter, Serenity.
Lead Pastor/ Prophetess Val accepted Christ when she was 10 years old and has been walking with Him ever since (with a few bumps and bruises along the way). She is married to Michael Gittens.
Val's started out in the Allen ministry as a lay counselor for the marriage enrichment ministry. She then provided pastoral care as a ministry counselor for the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral.
In April 2013, Val was ordained and continued to move forward. She was part of the prison ministry that provided church services at Rikers Island Prison twice a month. Val and her husband were the ministry leaders for the Single Ministry for five years. She was also a teacher for Allen's Discipleship Classes.
Val has taught Sunday School, worked with the discipleship Chapel ministry at Allen, facilitated a youth retreat for second-generation Chinese Americans, and preached at the Tower of Praise Ministries International Conference in Lagos, Nigeria.
She is the co-founder of Flame Ministries, a ministry focused on evangelism and discipleship. She has preached the gospel from the U.S. to Nigeria and Rwanda, fed over 300 widows and pastors in need, and trained hundreds through the Intro to Transformational Discipleship course.
Pastor Val is co-chancellor of the Flame Bible Institute in partnership with the Tower of Praise Bible College located in Lagos, Nigeria, people train for ministerial careers and Christian counseling.
Rev, Val is the co-pastor of the Ignite Church of Atlanta, a church plant birthed out of Flame Ministries. After 25 years of lay counseling, the Lord called Val back to school to prepare for further ministry.
Val received her B.S. in Psychology with a focus on Christian Counseling and a Masters of Professional Counseling degree from the Liberty University. She is also a member of the American Association for Christian Counseling, a certified financial coach,
certified life coach, NYS NAMI family-to-family educator, marriage mentor, and the founder of icare2 holistic counseling and coaching services.
Pastor Val is also the President of the Kings Deborah chapter in Atlanta, Georgia of the Theta Phi Sigma Christian Sorority I.N.C. Val is passionate about God's people living an abundant life, and out of this passion, C.A.R.E. ministry was birthed. A ministry devoted to change through the power of the holy spirit. She continues to serve God's people and long to hear her Father say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."